Logo IFC by RC

What is the IFC?

A unique and international experience of Regnum Christi.
It is a course that seeks to be a decisive moment in
the lives of the youth, giving them the opportunity
to grow in their love for Christ and to discover more
clearly what their mission in Regnum Christi is.

Formation of formators

The Regnum Christi Federation promotes the formation of formators
because of the awareness that people who are well prepared to form,
guide and inspire others are essential for deep, lasting and dynamic
apostolic action.

The renewal dynamism
of the IFC

The course is intended to be a transforming experience, not only
because of the knowledge received, but also because of the
dynamism of the IFC, which through prayer, the sacraments,
Regnum Christi community life and pilgrimages, purifies the
formator's mind and heart.

Vision of the IFC

To offer a transforming experience to young people, which will help
them to express their love for God in accordance with their
individuality. This experience will enable them to collaborate
in the evangelization of all mankind in accordance with their
personal mission in life.

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